Clothes Control the Woman

A consistent theme in my blog is the unfair control that men have over women. I believe that most women tend to live their lives oblivious or unconcerned about this fact. I think it is important for us to recognize that male control makes women’s lives smaller and keeps us from realizing our full potential and fulfilling our dreams. Today I am going to repeat a text from my book A Women’s Paradise that discusses how men have controlled our clothing over the centuries to their liking resulting in our discomfort, loss of freedom, control over our social standing, and reduced mental and physical health. Following is that text from the introductory passage to Chapter 16.

Since the beginning of time clothes have been used as a control mechanism against women. Over the centuries married women frequently were required to wear caps, hoods, bonnets or headdresses as a sign of their marital or social status. Along with a finger ring, it was a sign that they were owned and controlled by a man. Religious sects still require total head coverings including veils in order to hide what men consider to be a woman’s inborn nasty, base, tempting sexuality. The chastity belt was a brutal undergarment instituted by men who were certain that their wives were as horny and unfaithful as they were. Some extreme cults require a woman to cover her entire body including her face with a body tent. If women cannot be seen, they cannot be heard.

In China women’s feet were bound causing pain, disfigurement and limited mobility in order to make them more desirable for marriage. Or was it to keep them from running away from their male dominated lives? In Western societies women’s bodies were imprisoned in tight, uncomfortable corsets with rigid stays that were covered with layer after layer of clothing which further restricted and pinched their movement. This was an outward manifestation of the lack of societal, intellectual and emotional freedom that was allowed for women. For a long time women were expected to wear only dresses. In some centuries and countries it was a crime to dress as a man if you were a female.

Men marry trophy wives in order to prove their status and dress them in costly clothing and jewels whether the wife wants to wear them or not. It’s usually not a problem, though, because women are trained and groomed from infancy to choose their clothing in order to please a man. Cruel boyfriends and husbands use critiques of their female partners’ clothing and general appearance as a way to shame them and make them feel inferior. Even though a man himself may be physically disgusting and unkempt, he will weaponize his woman’s “unacceptable” appearance as an excuse to leave her and seek a new sexual partner. He declares it is the woman’s fault for not looking alluring and attractive.

In houses of ill repute the owners (usually men but sometimes women attempting to exploit other women) insisted on revealing clothing or a lack thereof. While men gladly paid to see such women, they considered those women to be spoiled goods, vulgar and not suitable or presentable for marriage in regular society. The lowered status of the women meant that the men had to pay less to fuck them and could treat them badly with impunity. For female workers in the sex trades and certain service occupations, men created costumes and uniforms to identify women as fair game and/or members of a social class that should be disregarded and disrespected.

Some men would claim that insistence on the wearing of attractive clothing is in accordance with nature and would point out mating rituals throughout the animal kingdom. However, except for humans, in nature it is overwhelmingly the male of the species who is colorful or exhibits excessive physical displays in order to attract the female. The female of the species is drab by comparison. Although most men would deny it, their obsession with clothing is a positive outward proof that they want to treat women as objects and things to be controlled as opposed to fellow human beings with equal rights. Male fashion designers revel in the custom of a phalanx of anorexic, abused female soldier models marching down their runways as cannon fodder in their fashion wars. It is not only little girls who play with dolls.

My book is now available in paperback on and Amazon Kindle eBook formats.

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